Proceedings of the Sisyphian Society
Vol. I, No. 3. Talk Radio and Podcasts.

Summary: First Official Loyal Fan David joins to discuss talk radio and podcasts. Kyle rants about inferior podcatchers, show notes, and Spotify’s attempt to destroy podcasting, and calls upon listeners to boycott Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and especially Spotify.

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N.B.: For disclaimers, rules, and prefaces, see Vol. I, No. 1.

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Minutes of the Meeting.

For corrections to this issue, see errata of future issues.

The meeting of the Sisyphian Society was held on Tuesday, 30 June 2020, remotely, the co-chairs pro tempore being in the chairs and the secretary being present.

0:02:02 Announced guest will be joining at this meeting.

0:02:45 Meeting called to order.

0:02:47 Noted this issue will be half “fun”.

0:04:09 Discussed experimenting with hosting a guest and with increasing length of meetings. Complained about those who complain about long podcast installments.

0:07:11 Granted indulgence to friends and family members. Called for correspondence. Invited listeners to pull hair and move heads.

0:09:37 Discussed experimenting with less-frequent publication.

0:10:30 Refreshments. Called for Dunkin’ Donuts to sponsor Proceedings.

0:11:59 Addressed ongoing audio problems. Kyle requested listeners publicly shame Matt.

0:13:30 Errata.

0:39:20 Minutes of the last meeting were approved.

0:39:36 Updates.

0:40:47 Announcements.

0:45:30 Treasurer’s report: Continuing to drown in debt and desperately need donations.

0:45:42 General Correspondence.

0:53:20 Main discussion, on talk radio and podcasts.

2:01:05 Next meeting’s topic will be “how to find the best x”. Called for correspondence regarding how listeners find the best products or best ways of doing things. Mentioned Consumer Reports and Wirecutter as examples (for products).

2:03:28 Kyle moved “to thank our guest David”. The motion was adopted.

02:04:03 Meeting adjourned.

02:04:08 Called for correspondence about length of issues and publication frequency.

Respectfully submitted,
Kyle, secretary

“I’m hurt, but I understand.”